Surely God Is My Salvation, I Will Trust And Not Be Afraid. The Lord, The Lord Himself Is My Strength And My Defense, He Has Become My Salvation

Isaiah 12:2


Despite what we may show on the outside... Too many Christian men today have fallen victim to their circumstances and have accepted a lifestyle of defeat.

They live life frustrated, passive, and unfulfilled.

They go to Church on Sunday, then dread waking up on Monday to face another week.

They constantly live by excuses and cast anger onto God when things aren't working out.

They live in constant fear, insecurity and emptiness

But ask a man how he’s doing and the response almost always will be…

“Good, fine, just staying busy."

It’s difficult for most men to admit the problems they’re dealing with because we’ve been taught that “real men” don’t talk about their emotions…

Real men stuff all their feelings down…

Avoid all meaningful conversations…


They'll sabotage their relationships, health and business...

Yet they never ask for help.

Brother, let me tell you…

That’s a warped version of what it means to be a real man.

But it's not completely your fault because Society has taken every word of God and twisted it to manipulate you to its ways

Society says Masculinity is Toxic yet 1 Corinthians 16:13 says Be on guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.

Society says men don't show emotions or cry. The Bible says Jesus wept - John 11:35

Society says men aren't needed. Ephesians 5:23 says Men were born to lead.

Society says men are strong enough alone. God said in Genesis 2:18, It is not good for man to be alone.

Society says a man needs to grind, hustle and lose sleep to be successful. Proverbs 23:4 says Do not wear yourself out to get rich.

Society says (in a very negative undertone) You're just like your Father. God said, Let us form man in our image - Genesis 1:27

Unfortunately, The Church Isn't Offering Much Help Either

Here are some alarming statistics according to the Barna Group, Pew Research and more...)

  • Over 60% of churchgoers feel disconnected from God

  • 50% feel isolated, alone and unsupported in their spiritual growth

  • 40% are dealing with depression, anxiety and even suicidal thoughts including 1 out of 10 Pastors

  • 30% are ready to leave the church due to lack of spiritual guidance

With the world's distorted perspective and little support from the pulpit, it's no wonder that Christian men today feel besieged and all alone in figuring it all out.

If he isn’t supposed to follow the world’s way but can’t find answers in the Church, where is he to turn?

So, my friend, if you take a moment to read this letter, you’ll understand why I am so passionate about helping you penetrate this world as a real man of God. Imagine how much more passionately you could live your life…

How much better you’d be able to show up for the people you love and care about…

What would it feel like to be part of the small percentage of men navigating the world with the identity of a godly man—convicted, confident, purpose-driven, and true to his calling?

Not a fake macho personality that men wear as a mask to hide their fears and insecurities.

And just so you know who’s writing this letter to you, let me introduce myself...




I Help Christian Men Destroy Depression, Destructive Behaviors & Damaging Beliefs That's Causing Self Sabotage In Their Personal & Professional Lives So That They Can Become The Empowered Leader That God Intended Them To Be...

But just a couple of years ago I was a complete mess...

From Bankruptcy caused by a Failed Business in 2010 to Divorce And struggling heavily with my Faith I quickly became entrapped by own vices of Sexual Lust, Alcohol, Overeating and Laziness.

I was a "Dead Man Walking," crippled by Anxiety, Depression, Lack of Drive, Ambition and Purpose And it felt like I had no place left in this world

So in January of 2017 I tried to end it all and I found myself in a hospital bed questioning,

"How I had let things get so bad?"


As I was released from the hospital a nurse said to me, “Get some help, or else you’re going to end up right back here again.”

I'll never forget the way she said this - Her voice was caring yet stern and I knew she meant it.

I made the decision right then and there that I would never be back to any hospital under these conditions again.

One of the first things I did was to start working with a coach who got me to dig deep within and face my fears, my insecurities, and the stories that I was telling myself and who challenged me to take full ownership of every situation and circumstance I found myself in.

During my time working with him, we went deep into the Victim mindset and I began to understand that God truly does want what's best for me…

But what I didn't know at that time and the one thing even this coach was missing was that


He has already given very clear and precise instructions, yet here I was still struggling because, I simply couldn't get out of my own way.



I have found that when Christian men continue to wrestle with their faith, purpose, and personal wellbeing because of the enemies strongholds of feeling Damaged, Defeated or Depressed...

It's because they haven't been able to let go of the guilt and shame associated with some type of event they regret in life and / or they are avoiding things that they know they should be doing but aren't for any number of reasons.

The Salvation Strength Project helps men take the necessary steps towards redemption, renewal and recovery that they have been avoiding for way too long.

It's not an easy endeavor and that is why we have taken up the task to guide, support and encourage each and every member through this process as they find their breakthrough...

And my friend, when you experience this breakthrough you will NEVER look at this experience we call life the same way again...

Not only will you be able to envision a life full of meaning, purpose, impact, and fulfillment, but you will also be able to DOMINATE your path as you'll no longer feel trapped or defeated by your past mistakes, failures or insecurities...

The lessons, applications and tools we teach in The Salvation Strength Project come straight from the Word of God and can be applied to every aspect your life…

  • Build More Structure, Discipline & Empowering Habits

  • Develop Deeper and more meaningful Relationships

  • Build a Stronger and Healthier Body

  • And so much more…

It all starts with the simple DESIRE to TRUST GOD FULLY and follow His Will & His Way in all that you do.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future - Jeremiah 29:11

Look, because of my own incredible struggles and successes through them... I have been called to a higher purpose of helping other men who also continue to battle with their mental, physical and spiritual health and to overcome the patterns that hold them back and now I want to extend that invitation to help YOU!

I call this special program




Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.


from all of the "Man UP" Challenges that flood the "personal development & leadership coaching" industry?

I'm glad you asked and I'll be happy to answer...

But first, let me be very clear about what The Salvation Strength Project isn’t…

Salvation Strength isn’t about 6 Pack Abs or Hitting The Next Deadlift World Record…

Although those things are great and I have many clients who have achieved these types of results, it’s not what drives this one of a kind coaching program.

It's not about "10X-ing Your Business"

Nor is it Spiritual enlightenment therapy, coddling or speaking 1,000 positive affirmations per day that you know deep down in your core, you don’t agree with.

It isn’t about needing to Man Up, Ego, Willpower or even Sacrifice (at least not in the manner the world views it)…

Salvation Strength is about discovering and living out the 20 Attributes that make up a Godly Man of Purpose and putting them into action daily.

Salvation Strength is about uncovering the LIES that infiltrate our minds and the excuses we make that keeps us stuck and struggling with the same vicious patterns over and over again and keeps us from being the strong leader God has commanded for each and every one of us to be in our home, church, business and community.

2 Corinthians 11:3 - But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.

I certainly didn’t know that I had been lying to myself for years until my coach OPENED MY EYES and I realized that I had been playing Victim with things in my life that had absolutely EVERYTHING to do with my my feelings of lack, worthlessness and loneliness.

But once my eyes were opened and I realized that God never said to Love Yourself and put yourself first and you will find success, peace and happiness but instead He said...

If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. - Matthew 16:24

You see my friend... In today's world and today's society it's all about ME...

What can I get...

What can I achieve...

What can others do for me...

And unfortunately, it's prevalent in the church as well ...

What will they do for ME???

My friend, I implore you to shift this focus from self-centered desire to a focus of Yielding to God's Will, Understanding Your Identity through Christ and Discovering His Purpose while Ruling Your Assignment with Servitude.



In the books of first and second Timothy as well as Titus, Paul talks about the 20 Attributes that make up a Godly Man and this is the core foundation of our work at Salvation Strength.

As we work together though each one of these areas, you will be able to lean onto others in areas you are weak while also being encouraged to provide strength to others in the areas you are strong.

Through this process alone you will become emboldened, encouraged and excited to continue this work everywhere you go and THIS is the ultimate goal and mission of Salvation Strength.

To make Men into the Leaders in their Families, Churches, Work Place and Communities they were born to be - that they were MADE to be by God's Universal Design.

This is how we grow the ministry and create a Revival that is so needed in America and across the world today.

My friend, I truly believe that God is calling up His Saints right now...

He is pulling at the hearts of Christian Men who know they should be doing something more but they just can't seem to get it together.

Maybe you have heard His calling but yet, somehow, you've been led to believe this isn't meant for you.

Brother, you are here reading this right now because God has put it on your heart to Bear Your Cross and Follow Him and we are here to support, encourage and build you up under His Glory and His provisions.

We are just one small part in God's plan but we do not play small in anything that we do.

So if this sounds like something you are felt called to take part of, fill out the application so we can truly see if we are a good fit for one another before making any decisions.

Regardless of your decision, I thank you for reading and wish you the utmost blessings from our Good Lord above.

God Bless,

Sean Murphy

Salvation Strength

The 4 Pillars of salvation strength


Romans 12:2

In today’s fast-paced world, transforming our thoughts and perspectives is essential for spiritual growth. This pillar focuses on renewing your mind by aligning your beliefs with God's truth. Through engaging teachings and practical exercises, you’ll learn to let go of limiting beliefs and embrace a Christ-centered mindset that empowers you to live out your purpose with clarity, confidence and conviction.


1 Timothy 4:8

True strength comes from disciplined living in all areas of life. This pillar emphasizes the importance of holistic development—spiritual, physical, emotional, and relational. You’ll gain the tools needed to cultivate a lifestyle of godliness and discipline, helping you thrive in your faith and relationships. Through consistent practice and dedication, you'll learn how to honor God with your life in every aspect.


1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and caring for it is an act of worship. This pillar encourages you to embrace strength and conditioning as vital components of your spiritual journey. Through tailored fitness routines and nutritional guidance, you’ll discover how physical health enhances your spiritual discipline, resilience, and overall well-being, enabling you to fulfill your God-given potential.


Proverbs 27:17

God has uniquely gifted each of us to make a difference in the world. This pillar inspires you to step into your role as a leader, using your gifts to serve others and glorify God. You’ll learn the principles of servant leadership, accountability, and mentorship, empowering you to positively impact your family, business, church, and community while fulfilling your divine calling.

Renewing The Mind (Romans 12:2)

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Renewing the mind refers to the process of aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes with God’s truth rather than the world’s patterns. It's about shifting from a mindset dominated by fear, doubt, or worldly desires, to one that is grounded in faith, peace, and trust in God's plan for your life.

Why It's Important

Mental transformation precedes life transformation: Our thoughts shape our actions. By renewing your mind daily through scripture, prayer, and meditation, you’re allowing God's truth to transform your entire approach to life. It equips you to discern His will and to make better decisions that are in alignment with your purpose.

Breaking free from limiting beliefs: Many people are trapped by negative self-perceptions or the pressures of societal norms. Renewing the mind is the key to breaking free from these lies and adopting the identity God has given you. It shifts your mindset from one of lack and defeat to one of abundance, hope, and purpose.

Fostering spiritual growth: As your mind is renewed, you grow spiritually. You develop resilience, faith, and a clearer sense of direction because you can discern God's voice more clearly.

Application in the Salvation Strength Project

This pillar encourages daily disciplines like scripture reading, meditation, and prayer, helping individuals change the way they think about their identity, purpose, and God's promises. The more you practice renewing your mind, the stronger your mental and spiritual foundation will be, equipping you to handle life’s challenges.

Isaiah 40:31

Increase Your Energy Naturally

More Than Fitness

  • STOP Falling For Satan's Lies

  • Becoming The Man Your Wife Needs You To Be

  • Being A Better & More Present Father

  • Achieve Higher Fulfillment In Business

  • Breakthrough Strongholds and Vices

  • Destroy Depression Once and For All

  • And So Much More

Train in Godliness (1 Timothy 4:8)

For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.

Training in godliness means cultivating spiritual habits, virtues, and disciplines that reflect Christ-like behavior. It involves a continual effort to grow in moral integrity, self-discipline, humility, and reverence for God, just as you would train your body in a gym.

Why It's Important

Eternal value: While physical health and worldly success are beneficial, godliness holds eternal value. Training in godliness not only enhances your current life by fostering wisdom, peace, and direction, but it also prepares you for eternity. It’s an investment in your relationship with God, which transcends this life.

Character development: Developing godly virtues like patience, kindness, and discipline helps in every area of life—from your relationships to your leadership. A strong moral character leads to better decisions, stronger relationships, and increased trustworthiness.

Spiritual resilience: The challenges and temptations of life require more than just physical strength. Training in godliness equips you with the spiritual resilience to overcome adversity, resist temptation, and remain faithful to God’s purpose, even in difficult times.

Application in the Salvation Strength Project

This pillar calls for the intentional practice of spiritual disciplines such as prayer, fasting, scripture memorization, and serving others. The project would focus on developing not just physical habits, but moral and spiritual ones—building a foundation of godly behavior that impacts every aspect of your life.

Train In Godliness

Jeremiah 29:11

More Than Fitness

  • STOP Falling For Satan's Lies

  • Becoming The Man Your Wife Needs You To Be

  • Being A Better & More Present Father

  • Achieve Higher Fulfillment In Business

  • Breakthrough Strongholds and Vices

  • Destroy Depression Once and For All

  • And So Much More

Physical Health (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

Physical health is about honoring your body as a vessel for the Holy Spirit. It involves maintaining good physical fitness, nutrition, rest, and self-care, recognizing that your body is a gift from God meant to be stewarded well.

Why It's Important

Holistic stewardship: Just as we are called to steward our talents, finances, and relationships, we are also called to steward our bodies. Maintaining physical health allows you to serve God and others more effectively, as your energy, focus, and well-being directly affect your ability to fulfill your calling.

Connection between body and spirit: When your body is healthy, it strengthens your spiritual and mental life as well. Neglecting your health can lead to fatigue, illness, and a lack of focus, which can interfere with your ability to serve God wholeheartedly. Physical discipline complements spiritual discipline.

Self-discipline: The practice of taking care of your body—through exercise, proper nutrition, and rest—builds self-discipline that often spills over into other areas of life. Physical discipline strengthens your ability to live a disciplined life in other areas like work, relationships, and spiritual development.

Application in the Salvation Strength Project

This pillar emphasizes regular physical activity, balanced nutrition, and adequate rest. The project promotes physical strength, conditioning and overall health as part of a greater spiritual discipline, encouraging participants to honor God by taking care of their bodies. It’s not just about aesthetics or fitness goals; it’s about treating your body as a sacred gift that fuels your ability to fulfill God’s purpose.

Physical Health

Nutrition Tip

More Than Fitness

  • STOP Falling For Satan's Lies

  • Becoming The Man Your Wife Needs You To Be

  • Being A Better & More Present Father

  • Achieve Higher Fulfillment In Business

  • Breakthrough Strongholds and Vices

  • Destroy Depression Once and For All

  • And So Much More

Brotherhood - Accountability and Support (Proverbs 27:17)

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

The brotherhood pillar is all about fostering accountability, support, and community among like-minded individuals. It’s the recognition that personal growth is not a solo endeavor—we grow best when we are surrounded by a community that holds us accountable, encourages us, and sharpens us spiritually, mentally, and physically.

Why It's Important

Strength in community: Humans are created for relationships. We thrive when we have the support of others who share our values and goals. A strong community provides encouragement when times are tough and keeps us accountable to our commitments, helping us stay on course.

Accountability for growth: Left to our own devices, we might slack off or compromise. Having accountability from others who care about our success motivates us to keep striving. It helps us overcome weaknesses, face challenges, and push through adversity.

Sharpening each other: Just as iron sharpens iron, close relationships with others allow us to grow through shared wisdom, encouragement, and constructive feedback. We learn and grow faster when others challenge us to think deeper, be more disciplined, and remain focused on our goals.

Application in the Salvation Strength Project

This pillar creates a strong emphasis on community, mentorship, and partnership. Whether through group discussions, small accountability partnerships, or mentorship, participants are encouraged to connect with others on the same journey. The brotherhood pillar ensures that no one walks the path alone and that everyone has a support system to push them toward success.

Growing Together

Paul P.

More Than Fitness

  • STOP Falling For Satan's Lies

  • Becoming The Man Your Wife Needs You To Be

  • Being A Better & More Present Father

  • Achieve Higher Fulfillment In Business

  • Breakthrough Strongholds and Vices

  • Destroy Depression Once and For All

  • And So Much More












Salvation Strength is a high level coaching and accountability program designed to build Christian Men Up in the areas of their Faith & Discipline - Hebrews 12:11



Everything you learn and apply to your life will come from Sound, Biblical Teachings and Practices!! - If it's not backed up by God's Word, it will not be taught in Salvation Strength

I'm on a mission to empower Christian men to walk in the Spirit and lead themselves by prioritizing their mental, physical, and spiritual strength, so they can serve others at their highest capacity and live a life of purpose.

Do Any Of These Feelings Describe You & Your Situation Right Now?

  • Feeling Highly Frustrated With Your Current Weight & Health

  • Feeling Discouraged That You Can't Prioritize Your Time For Your Faith & Fitness

  • Facing Health Concerns That You Know Are Avoidable

  • Feeling Desperate, Alone & Empty On The Inside

  • Struggling To Connect With Your Wife & Kids

  • Decreased Focus, Productivity, Energy and Libido

  • Embarrassed & Extremely Uncomfortable

  • Feeling Lost Or Uncertain

  • Struggling To Make Decisions

  • Wasting Time & Resources

  • Paralyzed From Fear and Worry

  • Believing Negative Self Talk

  • Struggling To Trust In God’s Plan

  • Find It Difficult To Stay Focused

  • Feeling Overwhelmed

  • Lack Of Discipline

  • Self Doubt

  • Insecurity In Your Own Ability

  • Feeling Stuck & Struggling In Repeated Patterns

  • Decrease in Self Esteem & Motivation

  • Stressed & Burned Out

  • Feeling Like No One Understands You Anyway So Why Even Try or

  • Feeling Like You Just Need A Second Chance To Make Things Right



Having A Deeper and More Meaningful Relationship With Jesus Christ

This program is designed to help men deepen their relationship with God and live out their faith boldly. Through daily devotionals, Bible study, and Prayer over one another, members of Salvation Strength grow in their Faith and connect with other believers in a supportive community.


Having Greater Mental and Emotional Clarity

This program focuses on helping you identify and overcome negative habits, patterns and behaviors that can lead to depression, anxiety, and other strongholds that are holding you back. By learning to confront and reframe these patterns, you will experience greater mental and emotional clarity and find a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment in your life.


Being In Top Physical Shape

The Salvation Strength program includes a simple to follow fitness and nutrition regimen that will fit into any busy schedule and lead to improved physical strength and fitness. Regular exercise has been shown to increase productivity, reduce stress, increase sex drive, boost testosterone, increase your energy and overall health and longevity


Having Stronger Relationships With Your Wife & Kids

As you learn to live out your faith in practical ways, you will also develop deeper and more meaningful relationships with your family and loves ones. Through group discussions, accountability partnerships, and supportive coaching, you will learn to communicate more effectively, resolve conflicts, and build strong, healthy relationships with your family, friends, and colleagues


Never Struggling With Confidence, Focus and Productivity Again

As you learn to identify and overcome negative patterns in your life, you'll also develop greater confidence and leadership skills. Salvation Strength enables you to become the leader in your home, workplace, church and community, and have a greater impact on the world around you


Is to Empower 1,000 Christian Men in overcoming the challenges of Self Sabotage and Self-Destructive Habits and Patterns so not only can you live a life full of Meaning, Purpose, and Fulfillment, but also to DOMINATE your path and no longer feel trapped or defeated by your past mistakes, failures or insecurities so that together, we advance The Kingdom and have a greater Impact On The World.

The lessons, applications and tools taught in The Salvation Strength Project can be applied to every aspect your life…

From Building More Self Confidence, Courage and Discipline - Hebrews 12:11

To Developing Deeper and more meaningful Relationships with God, yourself, family, church, friends and associates - Proverbs 13:20 / 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

To Building a Stronger and Healthier Body - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 / Proverbs 23:20-21

To Achieving Financial Success at the Highest Level - Luke 16:10

And so much more…

It all starts with the simple DECISION to finally Take Control Of Whatever Situation You Are In…

And Making It Happen because here’s the Truth…

No human being alive on this Earth is coming to Save You…

And Jesus says we must bear our own Cross on the road to redemption



© Copyright 2022. Salvation Strength All rights reserved.